We became one!

DAILY DAY and LAGOFRA join forces, and from this day on, we share the same digital address, like it was already in our physical store.

We always walk side by side as sister brands, and to make your life easier, we concentrate all our powers on just one website and social media.


Our story is a long one.

Before we reach this day, when we call ourselves DAILY DAY BY LAGOFRA, a long way has been covered. In 1934, during the Great Depression, Manuel Prata began a family path in the textile and clothing sector when he decided to deepen his knowledge in tailoring by joining a course for tailors in Porto. Manuel was a tailor his entire life, and he saw his children grow up in this art.

In the following decades, after the Second World War, the company became famous for the quality of the work and the passion and determination of the second generation to grow and flourish.

In 1980, Emanuel Prata, the fifth son of Manuel Prata, created his first garment trading company, calling it Prata & Borges, which is today recognised among the most demanding customers. 

In 2011, siblings Ana, Filipe, and Mário Prata, Emanuel Prata's children, took the reins in directing the company and, together with the team, striving to gain recognition in the international market and invested in the creation of the LAGOFRA brand.

Over time, LAGOFRA evolved from a simple clothing factory to a versatile atelier, recognised for the high quality and diversity of its production. We work with sustainable brands from all over the world, which have in common the commitment to a slow fashion future, and through them we carry our cultural heritage.

And then we realised that our greatest asset was our industrial know-how, and we took another step forward: we became part of a reduced universe of clothing brands that have their own factories. After LAGOFRA, in 2014, DAILY DAY was born. 


Two brands, the same mindset.

From the moment we start creating a product, we always have tradition and contemporaneity in the back of our minds, and we remain faithful to creating timeless products that last beyond seasons.

We look at the design as something distinct: knowing how to combine it with functionality and longevity is the key to creating unique items that respect the four pillars of sustainability - environmental, economic, social, and cultural - and that are an alternative to the fast fashion market.

And because the mindset for both brands was the same, we decided to take another important step and present to you DAILY DAY BY LAGOFRA, where you can find all the news from our brands. 


Let's make things simpler and put everything in one place.

You can find us at lagofra.com, on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and at CCBombarda's store 13.

Together, we are closer to you. See you out there!

December 04, 2023 —