Sweet August: that time of the year when most of us go on vacation. But when it comes time to pack, we are all guilty of occupying our precious baggage allowance with items that don’t even make it out of the suitcase. Thus, here we have some tips so you can pack sustainably and not spend your entire trip wondering “why did I even bring that?” 


It may sound simple, but perfectly packing a bag is perhaps an admirable skill. It starts with the uncertainty of what we should take and what we should leave when we are travelling.

The Clash used to say, "if you don't want me, set me free", so turn the radio on and remember this line the next time you go packing. To help you find out what will not be needed, consider the three sustainability Rs – reduce, reuse, and recycle – and start by evaluating what you can reduce.

And that’s it, there’s the starting point for sustainable holiday packing.


Tips for sustainable holiday packing

Now, let's go point by point. Here are the six tips we promised…


1. Luggage also counts

First things first. It is important to think about which suitcase to invest in, rather than buying the cheapest one that pops up in front of us.

Consider the anatomy and the likely lifespan of the luggage. What’s it made from? Will it last for ages? Is it light? Remember that every kilo counts.


2. Pack in advance

Packing your suitcase the night before is half the battle to start putting everything and something else into it. Packing requires planning and energy, so it is best to start the process a few days in advance.

Making a list of what you will need can be a good help before you start. Thus, you can be more certain that you won’t pack what is unnecessary.


3. Go lightly

Packing light is helpful on many levels. Firstly, the planet says thank you because the heavier the bag, the more fuel the vehicle needs; secondly, your wallet is also grateful since you’re avoiding extra luggage fees; and last but not least, the lighter the weight, the less effort you will have to make to carry the luggage.

Only benefits, right? So, think twice before you buy a completely new wardrobe to debut on holiday.


4. Choose a capsule wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is easy to mix and match and will spare you time every morning. Spend your holidays enjoying them instead of choosing outfits.


5. Pack multi-functional items

A scarf that doubles as a blanket, a denim shirt you can wear as a shirt or a jacket, a tote bag that can be used for shopping or carrying your daily essentials – the more multi-use items you pack, the lighter you will be able to travel.


6. Take your reusables

Stop to think about the amount of trash that is dumped into the oceans that we like to enjoy on our holidays (and not only). After a small reflection, we can agree that it is important to take our reusables, right?

So, put together your own zero-waste travel kit! More airports and stations offer water dispensers, so don’t forget about your refillable water bottle. Also, invest in refillable bottles for cream and/or shampoo and in other reusables you may need.


All set to go… enjoy your holidays!