2024 welcomes the first edition of the year of Première Vision Paris

2024 welcomes the first edition of the year of Première Vision Paris

The Parisian meeting of Première Vision took place between the 6th and 8th of February and brought together more than 1,100 exhibitors, including LAGOFRA.
62nd edition of CIFF was incredible

62nd edition of CIFF was incredible

From January 31st to February 2nd, the 62nd edition of CIFF took place at the Copenhagen Bella Center and we were there for the very first time, and we felt very welcome.
Trade shows we're attending

Trade shows we're attending

Your chance to meet us is here! We are excited to annouce that we will be exhibiting at three leading shows very soon. If you want to meet us, mark your calendar!

Dopamine dressing: What it is and how to take advantage of it

Dopamine dressing: What it is and how to take advantage of it

The world we live in can be crazy! Every day, we read and see news from all over that can put us down, and let’s be real: our daily lives can also be challenging. In the middle of all the madness, it’s obvious that we want to have some joy, even if it's in the little things, like sharing a laugh with our loved ones, going for a walk in our favourite spot, or just wearing an outfit that makes us feel awesome! This last one is the so-called dopamine dressing.
Get to know the different types of fabrics and what their advantages and disadvantages

Get to know the different types of fabrics and what their advantages and disadvantages

Our clothes are made from fabrics formed by fibres that can be natural, synthetic, or artificial. The origin of these fibres makes all the difference in the shape and comfort of the garments, and they all have advantages and disadvantages. We will analyse each one of them to understand their differences, as well as their pros and cons.
Clothing labels: To cut or not to cut them, that is the question

Clothing labels: To cut or not to cut them, that is the question

How many times have you felt a certain discomfort caused by some label? In some cases, the labels on our clothes sting or make us itch, and so the habit of cutting them has become very common. However, this could be a mistake, because when we cut this accessory, we are increasing the probability of the garment being damaged early.
'Visual' was celebrated at 60+2 Modtissimo

'Visual' was celebrated at 60+2 Modtissimo

There we went again! In the 60+2 Modtissimo edition, LAGOFRA filled stand C300 as a manufacturer and established new contacts.
Fast fashion: What it is, impacts, and alternatives

Fast fashion: What it is, impacts, and alternatives

How many of us follow fashion trends and renew our wardrobe regularly? This happens because fast fashion has shaped us this way. A culture of producing and buying at each new season was created, shortening the product's life cycle, which is produced with less quality and is discarded more quickly. This is great for those who sell and those who buy, since the products also reach consumers in a more affordable way, but terrible on an environmental and social level.
Welcome to Autumn-Winter 24-25 with Première Vision Paris

Welcome to Autumn-Winter 24-25 with Première Vision Paris

Once again, LAGOFRA attended another Première Vision Paris edition, which took place from July 4 to July 6 at the Parc des Expositions, Paris Nord Villepinte.
Capsule Wardrobe

What is a capsule wardrobe and how to build one

How many times have you found yourself looking at your wardrobe, completely full, and mourning: “I have nothing to wear!”? This happens because, often, we look at all the garments we have in our closet and think that nothing goes with anything. Because we know that choosing an outfit can be challenging, we present you the perfect solution to put an end to these dilemmas: the capsule wardrobe!